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Heritage Organics Perfect Potting Soil
Heritage Organics Perfect Potting Soil - Topsoil Near Me
Heritage Organics Perfect Potting Soil
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$34.99 will be added for each palletized or bagged material
Price Per 2 Cubic Ft Bag $31.99
Inflation Fighter Sale $16.99
Savings: $15.00
Material Type: Amended Soil
Level Of Experience Required: No experience needed for excellent results.
Typical Time Required: Man Hours will vary according to volume of stone purchased, design and specifications.
(Minimum order):  10

Quantity in Stock:990

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 759XHO

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Heritage Organics Perfect Potting Soil
Their highest quality natural and organic indoor/outdoor soil. Ready to use right out of the bag. Simply plant directly in the blend and water. Ready to use in grow bags, raised beds, large outdoor containers, any pot used inside or outside. DIRECTIONS Simply plant directly in the blend and water. Works great with all nutrient feeding programs. Flowers, Vegetables, and Perennials – Place your plants directly into Heritage Organics® Potting Soil and water in. Plant at a depth according to instructions provided by your local nursery, or information on the plant tag. Trees and Shrubs – When planting or transplanting trees and shrubs after the dirt has been removed from the desired planting location, place Heritage Organics® Potting Soil in the bottom of the hole to a 2-inch depth. Place your plant in the hole and fill the remainder with a blend. Water thoroughly. INGREDIENTS Coco coir, peat moss, composted forest product, worm castings, perlite, rice hulls, pumice, soymeal, bat guano, volcanic rock dust, feather meal, green sand, azomite, bone meal, gypsum, dolomite lime, and humic shale ore

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This will allow you to create an order for a firm transportation quote without having to pay for it at this time. While we have posted transport rates, in many circumstances we are able to ship the order to you for less. You will be given a firm cost on the whole order within a few minutes to a few hours.
Product Specifications and Uses
coco coir, peat moss, forest products, perlite, rice hulls, pumice, lava rock, earthworm castings, wood biochar, greensand, soy meal, gypsum, feather meal, bone meal, dolomite lime (for pH adjustment), and azomite.
• Organic certified • Quality inputs • Fully amended • Indoor-Outdoor • Water holding

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